Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow, Sleet and Wind

Day 8 ~
Ok, well I'm still behind, darn it! Yesterday was a crazy weather day here. It sleeted, snowed, the sun came out and then, the wind picked up really fast!
Cailin was watching the sleet come down at our window in the living room.

I caught Kylie checking out ornaments on the tree. She does this daily, but she's pretty good about not grabbing them off.

Ally, my dog, was totally lounging on her doggy bed yesterday. I'm sure she was thanking God that she wasn't outside like our 2 other big dogs.

Note: Her legs are still stained from that bad dirt storm we had several months ago! I'm beginning to wonder if it's ever going to turn white again.

Cailin had gymnastics, here's her bridge.


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