Sunday, November 21, 2010

Our Sunday Stroll

We went to walk around the Brazos in Granbury after we had lunch today. They have it all dressed up for Christmas and it looks so cute. We need to go look after dark sometime, to see all of the lights.

Cailin rode her little bicycle most of the way, but right after I took this picture, she went down the other side and couldn't find her brakes. She was yelling, "Help!" She eventually rode into the grass and stopped.

It was really breezy, but nice.
I got some really good pictures. I love this one!

Bye for now!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Veteren's Day Parade

We took the girls to the Veteren's Day Parade in Weatherford this morning. I thought this sign was sweet. One of the firefighter's was holding it out the window.

We had a WWII vet standing on our left and a young girl in the army (she had on her uniform) on the right of us. People that were in the parade were yelling out "Thank You" or giving them a thumbs up, that was heart-warming! This helicopter did a fly by to start off the parade, VERY LOW. It was cool because you could see the guys inside waving at the crowd.
Here's us before it started. We waited 45 minutes and it was a little chilly!

Here's Kylie at Cracker Barrel trying to decide which toy she wanted. It was the baby doll and she didn't let go of it until we were halfway home.

Bye for now!

Friday, November 12, 2010

This Old House

This girlie is constantly cracking us up now. She wanted to put on this little dress up flapper style dress of Cailin's, so I put it on her. Cailin and I were having a puzzle marathon. We put together 3 puzzles.

Kylie kept running into the bathroom closet then coming out with her arms outstretched saying, "I'm right herrrreeeee!" Funny!
Our old house finally got painted! I LOVE how it came out! We even had the brick on the chimney painted.

I think it looks like a doll house now. So much better than the old white with forrest green trim.

Hope you have a blessed day! Happy Birthday Me-Maw!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween And What We've Been Up To

Well, I haven't blogged in FOREVER.

We had a great Halloween. Kylie was a butterfly. She LOVED trick or treating. I mean she was a hardcore trick or treater! She carried her bucket until she was dragging it behind her saying, "hebby" (heavy), so then I carried it for her. We rode around on my mom's golf cart and everytime it stopped, she was jumping off my lap to go to the door. She'd say "chi cheet" (trick or treat) and "kank u" (thank you).
Until we got to the tree man's house. There is this house that is always really scary. Cailin got scared last year there, but not this year. No, this year Kylie did. I was holding her and she was staring at this man (well you couldn't tell it was a man). He was dressed up like a tree or a bush and all you could see was these red eyes. When he moved to give Kylie her candy, she screamed and said, "I cared!" (I'm scared). Poor thing! She shook it off pretty soon after and continued on.

Cailin was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. She was so Cute! I loved her with reddish-brown hair. She loved all the pictures we took of her. She was a pro at trick or treating this year. This is her 2nd year in so she knew all the ins and outs. Haha!

She's been doing our dishes lately and is pretty good at it. You can never start too early, that's what I say. She also loves to help cook. I try to encourage her by telling her "Wow, you are going to be a good cook one day!" She looked at me and said, "I already am!" Oops, sorry! Didn't mean to insult the cook.

Kylie's been caring for all the baby dolls that Cailin doesn't really play with anymore. She pushes them in the stroller, puts them to bed with covers and feeds them in the high chair or gives them their bottles. She's a good mommy!

This girl's got "cheese" down. She saw me with the camera and instantly said "Cheese" and gave me the cheesy smile. I got her hair in pigtails yesterday, but it didn't last too long. She looks like she's 3 with them.

Bye for now!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cailin's 4th Birthday

Finally, I updated my blog! Man, is it hard to have time to get on the computer these days. Guess, that's a good thing. I've worked almost 5 hours overtime these last few weeks.
We celebrated Cailin's 4th Birthday a few weeks ago. She had a Princess Tea Party. We had it my mother in law's house and it was the perfect location. Thanks to them for helping me get ready for the big day!
Here's Cailin blowing out her 4 candles! I made her a Cinderella cake and a castle cake.

We had a tea party first with pink lemonade, finger sandwiches, cookies, fruit and marshmallows. The kids loved it. Everyone got a crown and a wand at the table.

My sister painted all of the little girls' fingernails and they played dress up with Cailin's princess dresses.

Cailin got her Barbie Jeep that she had been asking for from us. Kylie likes to be her passenger. She also got a swingset from both grandparents, a bicycle from my parents, a Taylor Swift barbie (which she loves), a Belle dress up costume, several other toys. She had such a great birthday.

Hopefully, I'll have more soon! See ya!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Birthday Surprise

Warren and Cailin surprised me with this cute birthday cake on Friday when I got home from work. It has a cute purse, ring and glass slipper on it. Cailin picked out my birthday card. It totally reminds me of her. The little girl has on a crown and a tutu with rain boots. It was so sweet of them!

This is my BIG surprise and the reason they gave me my birthday stuff early. My bistro table that I have been wanting for our kitchen. It's so perfect there. We have been having coffee and breakfast at it.

This picture just cracks me up!

Hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July! I told Cailin it was America's birthday and she said, "Who's America?" Ha, ha!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Kylie is getting so grown up lately. She is really starting to pretend and play. Cailin has a bunch of little princess and Barbies. Kylie will play with them like Cailin does, making them dance while she sings, "la,la la,la". She was even trying to change their tiny clothes today.
She also has been really liking books lately. She crawls up to me with one in her hands trying to get it and her into my lap so I can read it to her.

This past weekend, Warren wanted to go camping at Lake Buchanan. He has this buddy that he was at Cannon with and he lives about an hour from there. So he and his girlfriend met us there on Sat. This little cabin is where we stayed. It wasn't like camping really, more like a rustic hotel room. It had 2 beds, a couch, table, kitchen, bathroom. So we weren't really roughing it at all.

Here's Cailin all ready for the lake, haha! These silly sunglasses I actually bought for Kylie, but Cailin insists that they are hers. They crack me up everytime she puts them on and I have to take her pic.

Here's Cailin checking out the lake. It was a nice lake, it even had some natural waterfalls coming into it from where the cColorado River feeds into it. My mother and father in law let us borrow their boat. Cailin was SO excited to go for a boat ride (that's all she talked about all day). When we finally went, after our friends got there, she fell asleep in my lap before it was even loaded in the lake. So, poor baby missed it! On the way home from the lake, Warren took us by Llano River in Llano, TX. This was by the spillway. He was crazy and walked across it. Cailin and I watched from the side. It was a pretty spot.
Cailin had lots of fun and alone time with Warren and I. We left Kylie at my mom's house overnight so I wouldn't have to worry about her on the boat and being outside so much. I can't wait for Kylie to start walking so we can all go!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Tball and Swimming

Cailin and Logan's tball team had an end of the season party at CiCi's Pizza on Friday night. After the kids ate pizza, the played some games. I went back to take pics and found that Cailin and Brayden (they were the youngest on the team) had figured out how to drive a car. So cute!
Coach Tim (who coincedentally went to high school with me and now lives here) was giving her a hard time, saying, "Does anyone know who Cailin is? Where could she be?"

Here he is handing Cailin her trophy. She was SO excited!
This one cracks me up, she had already posed for pictures for Daddy and Grammy. So when Mommy asked for ANOTHER pic with her trophy, she tried to give me her grumpy face.

I found this swimsuit at a yard sale for $3. It has the foam built in to the swimsuit. She really liked it. She loves to go down the slide. She'll go down like this, headfirst, and on her belly feet first.

Here she is jumping off of the side. She has a better tan than any of us right now. Well, besides Logan, that boy is so dark!

She is also getting really good at swimming underwater. She can do about 3 breast-strokes before coming up for air. At age 3, she can swim under water better than me. I still have to hold my nose!

These two were playing like that noodle was their horse. Logan was "dad", that's what Cailin calls a prince and she of couse was the Princess. Everyone, burn this image into your head. It never lasts long, they usually are arguing with each other, but on very rare occasions they actually play good together. Hee!

This little girlie LOVED this float! She floated around in it singing, "lalala". She had so much fun and ACTUALLY kept her sunglasses on!

Today we are heading to a Minor League baseball game. I've heard they are lots of fun! Another end of tball season event. Have a blessed day! Bye!

Friday, June 11, 2010

This year, Last year

This year:
Last year:
This year:
Last year:

This year:


Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Meet the puppies! We have only been taking one out at a time, they were born under our house, but yesterday we got them all out. Angel, there mommy, keeps them under there. She had 3 girls and 1 boy. These are the girls!
This one is my favorite! She looks like a little rotweiller, but she's tiny! She is very laid back. The little boy isn't, he's whiney. He's just solid black with brownish on the tips, not very cute.

Here's there mom, Angel. She was our rescue dog from Clovis that we brought with us when we moved. She was in heat of course right when we moved here, so now we have MORE dogs. Like we didn't have enough here. We will be finding these little cuties homes as soon as they are weaned from mommy. She is such a good mommy!

Cailin loves playing with them. She holds them like they are babies.

We've been going on bike rides in the evenings. Cailin and Kylie ride in this little trailer. I usually pull them, but Warren offered to give me a break on the way back from the park.

Cailin played outside most of the day yesterday with this little "flapper" play dress on.

Kylie really likes to go to the park now! She was had fun playing with this turn thing at the play ground.
Kylie has learned to "drive" herself around the room on her Dora car. I can't believe how big she is getting lately.

We have Cailin and Logan's tball end of the year party Friday night at Cici's Pizza. They are going to get little trophies and their tball pictures. I can't wait to see those. Then, on Sunday the whole tball league is going to a Minor Leage baseball game. That ought to be fun! Bye for now!