Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Around Here

These two are getting so big, too fast! They really like to play together. Kylie will usually follow Cailin from the living room down our long hall to Cailin's room.

Last night, Cailin cracked us up. We were watching a movie and she was wanting us to change DVD's, so we told her when it was finished she could change it. She looked at us and said, "Tum OM (come on) guys, Are you serious?" What? When did she turn 12? She told me this morning that Logan says that. Jeez! They are too funny.

This little girlie is sick with her first ever cold. I feel so bad for her. I took her to the doctor on base on Monday and he said her lungs and ears were clear, so it's probably just viral. It has to run it's course. Blah! She's been getting a low-grade fever during the last few nights, which means not much sleep for us two. When I try to give her Tylenol / Motrin, she gags until she throws up. I did finally manage to get a little down her this morning.

Last night, Cailin got on the balance beam for the first time. She liked it, but was busy talking to her coach for most of the time.

On her way back.

This morning at ballet, she wouldn't go out on the floor to dance. She had been excited to show her dance teacher BJ one of her Barbie dolls and she wasn't there today. So she just wanted to stay by me and watch until the last 10 min. when they do princess music and ribbon sticks (her fav. part). Her little ballet friends gave her hugs and told her "bye". So sad! :''(

Warren only has Friday left to work! He's off tommorrow to finish out-processing and next week. Maybe I should make him a celebratory cake or something???? Bye!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's Complicated

Our time as part of the USAF is quickly approaching the end. It is so hard to believe and I have only been a part of this community for 4 years and 1 month. I can only imagine how Warren feels right now, he's been in for 19 years and 7 months. It hasn't sunk in. I think it will finally when the movers come on the 1st of March to pack us up. It makes me a little sad to leave. The girls were both born here so of course we have special memories of this place. We also have a handful of very special friends that have become like family to us here. We met some wonderful friends while we lived here, most of them have moved away.

We are leaving this: CAFB (Cannon Air Force Base)
We will be losing this: BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing)
Warren won't be called this by co-workers: Ssgt (Staff Sergeant)
We will have to stay in: TLF (Temperary Living Facility) for a few days before we leave.
We won't be asked questions about: AFSOC (Air Force Special Operations Command)
We won't be asked if our girls have been enrolled in: DEERS (Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System) everytime we take one of them to a doctor
We won't be washing: BDUs (Battle Dress Uniform) or PT gear (Physical Training) ever again
We will be dealing with the: VA (Veteran's Affairs) on a regular basis
We are doing a: TMO (Traffic Management Office) move, meaning we are having movers hired my the military to move us.

I know there are more acronyms that I can't even think of, it is SO complicated! I was just thinking about it and found it kind of funny. We are busy getting ready to leave this house we've had for the last 4 years. This is our official last week here! A lot of cleaning, packing of items that I wouldn't want lost (everyone keeps telling us that you usually loose something in one of these moves), digging up plants to move with us, and more cleaning going on. Cailin asks everyday if we are "moving to the white house today?" Ha, ha! She has only 1 more gymnastics and ballet class next week. That makes me sad, because she LOVES these. I want to keep her in these activities, so I'll have to find some classes in our area.

Busy, busy around here and to top it off Kylie Face has a bad cough that started this morning (her and I stayed home from church today). So I'll be taking her to the pediatrician on base tommorrow. We heard that RSV is going around Clovis and I definately don't want it to become that! She's playing and eating well (no fever), so hopefully it will be better soon! Bye!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Poser

Isn't that cute? I found these cute little valentines on a blog that gave them to copy for free. I LOVE vintage valentines.

This morning Cailin actually ASKED ME to take her picture before her ballet class. Are you kidding me? I ran for the camera before she changed her mind. Hee! Then, she said, "Lets take some over here." Okay. She was stiking poses before my camera could catch up. She'd say, "what about like this?" Funny girl. This one was my favorite.

Here's pose #2.

She told me that she wanted her hair like this with that particular flower clip in it this morning. She does have a good sense of what matches I will give her that.

She took this one of me and Kylie. I thought she did pretty good! A photographer in the making.

Kind of a boring day around here. I just packed my scrapbook stuff and some pics. Also, a lot of laundry. Cailin is an excellent helper with the laundry. She loves to help put in the laundry soap and she even folds clothes pretty good. Kylie even started helping today. I was sitting on the loveseat and the laundry basket was on the floor with the clothes that needed to be folded. She was standing on the side of it and reaching in for socks. She'd hand them to me and say, "he-ya" everytime! It was so funny! I kept taking it and saying "Thank you". Cailin said, "Oh Kylie! You are turning into a big gurl helper!"

I put a new map at the bottom of the page, so sign in to let me know you've been here. The sign in button is on the right hand corner of it. That's all I have for today! Bye!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Kiss An Angel Good Morning

Meet Angel.
I know, I know, ANOTHER dog. It was totally my heart that broke when I saw her trailing this group of thug-looking guys and girls on Main St. I thought she was a stray because she was following them about a block behind them. I have always loved Westies and at first I thought she was one. So I made Warren take the block to see where she had went. When we circled around, the group had stopped to hang out on the side of this building. She was sitting across the street from them, just watching. So Warren slowed our car down and rolled down the window. He yelled out to them, "Is that your dog?" One of the guys replied, "Yeah, you can buy her!" They laughed. Warren said, "No, no, we just thought she was a stray." Warren started to roll up his window to leave. Then, this other guy said, "You can have her if you want." Warren looked at me like, "is he serious?" I just said, "Go see." So the guy came over to the edge of the street and called her. She immediately hung her head down, her tail between her back legs and creeped to him. When I saw that, I yelled out the window, "We'll take her!" So Warren picked her up and sat her in my lap and she rode home with us. I fell in love with her instantly.
I gave her a bath when we got her home and she has been at my side ever since. She follows me around from room to room. She looks for me as soon as Warren lets her inside from the garage in the mornings. I'll be in bed and I can her wining and going from room to room until she sees me.
She LOVES attention. She'll practically sit in my lap so I will pet her. She LOVES the girls and is so patient with them. Kylie can kind of say her name. She says, "An-ga".
She is still scared of loud, sudden noises and men. She will run from Warren unless he sits down to call her. She was obviously abused by a man, probably the very one who gave her to us. It makes me so mad and sad for her. She is such a SWEET dog. I've only heard her bark once or twice. She's just quiet and sweet.

We initially thought she's some kind of terrier mix because her hair is longish and a little wirey. So we looked up some pics of dogs on the internet. We found this one breed that looks identical to her. It's called a Wauzer, half Westie and half Schnauzer. So Miss Angel is a Wauzer!
I made the girls a cute little hair clip this morning. It looks like a carnation flower to me. I just ruffled some Valentine ribbon that I had and hot glued it to a circle of felt. Then glued that to a hair clip.
Here's Cailin modeling it. I literally had to bribe her with candy to let me take this one picture. Jeez! So sorrrry take time out of your busy day. ;0)

Here it is on Miss Kylie. I'll have to make another one so they will both have one.

This girlie was cracking me up with this spoon today. We were sharing a yogurt and she kept sticking the spoon completely in her mouth and smiling at me.

She's a clown in the making.

Funny, funny girl. She has learned to clap her hands and say "Ba" (bye).

Warren just got his "OFFICIAL" seperation date, it is March 5th! March 5th, can you believe it. That is only 3 1/2 weeks! Crazy!!!!!! I can't even comprehend it, yet. Bye!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sleepy Baby

Sweet Little Kylie Face is sleeping a lot today. She's got her first little cold, just a runny nose and a little cough. She had a fever the night before last but hasn't had one since then. I was thinking she might be teething, but I really don't see anything.

I don't know where she got these cute little pouty lips and super long (and slightly curled) eyelashes came from. My eyelashes are long, but so straight. Warrens are short and straight. Cailin has the exact same eyelashes and lips. Lucky, lucky girls!

Cute baby toes!

Cailin scored this Cinderella dress up set yesterday because she FINALLY pooped in the potty. Mommy did a happy dance and almost cried. She was SO PROUD of herself!

I thought I would try the "prize" idea with the #2 problemo and it totally worked! Warren and I told her Sunday night that if she pooped in the potty, that we would take her to pick out a prize. So, yesterday she started trying and on try two, it worked!

Better go for now, there is a sink full of dishes calling my name! Bye!