Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sleepy Baby

Sweet Little Kylie Face is sleeping a lot today. She's got her first little cold, just a runny nose and a little cough. She had a fever the night before last but hasn't had one since then. I was thinking she might be teething, but I really don't see anything.

I don't know where she got these cute little pouty lips and super long (and slightly curled) eyelashes came from. My eyelashes are long, but so straight. Warrens are short and straight. Cailin has the exact same eyelashes and lips. Lucky, lucky girls!

Cute baby toes!

Cailin scored this Cinderella dress up set yesterday because she FINALLY pooped in the potty. Mommy did a happy dance and almost cried. She was SO PROUD of herself!

I thought I would try the "prize" idea with the #2 problemo and it totally worked! Warren and I told her Sunday night that if she pooped in the potty, that we would take her to pick out a prize. So, yesterday she started trying and on try two, it worked!

Better go for now, there is a sink full of dishes calling my name! Bye!

1 comment:

Shelley Haganman said...

Since my kids are all grown up I LOVE seeing photos of baby toes and your little girls having fun! How sweet!