Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This little girlie LOVES her bathtime! She gets so excited when she sees the water running and she NEVER wants to get out. She loves to grab one of the bath toys and will not let go of it until after she's out and dressed.

This BIG girlie also LOVES her bathtime! She asks for a bath in the middle of the day and as soon as it gets dark. She also loves that her little sister can take a bath with her now.

I just came across this picture from New Year's Day. Warren brought the kids home some hats and noise makers from our night out, which they loved! This pic cracks me up, looks like they were up all night partying!

I'm going to throw this out there, since I know our neighbors don't read this. Last night we had our neighbor's little boy over to play. He's 2 and had been here for over an hour. Well, he is still in diapers and we started smelling something fresh from him (if you know what I mean). Warren, looked at me and said, "What should we do?" I said, "Just walk him over and tell his mom he needs to be changed. Tell her he's more than welcome to come back when she's done." He said he felt awkward doing this. Why? I would have done it, but I was cooking and holding Kylie. What are your thoughts on this? I would want them to walk Cailin back over if she had an accident. I definately wouldn't want them to just handle it.

Hope you have a great day! Bye!

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