Monday, November 17, 2008

Say "Cheese"....

Last night, I caught Cailin loving on Ally. So I grabbed the camera (of course)! Cailin saw me about to take her picture so she grabbed Ally and told her, "Tell mommy cheese Ally-boo-boo." Poor Ally was in a headlock so she would look at the camera.

The next picture I told Cailin not to strangle Ally = Much happier dog.

She's constantly covering Ally up with her doll blankets. When I say cover up I mean completely soAlly can't see. She looks like a ghost dog and she never tries to get the blanket off of her head, she just stays like that. Last night, she had about 4 stuffed animals laying around Ally. She looked like she was just another toy laying in the middle.

Sorry if I bored you with Cailin and Ally stories, but not much else going on! Bye!

1 comment:

Welch Family said...

Mandi-Yay for you for keeping up with the blog! I totally need to update mine, which is out of date since Kaleb was only 5 weeks old last time and he is now 5 months old! Cailin is so cute. And I love the Cailin/Ally stories. What could be cuter than toddlers and their puppies? Lukas loves his little pups too, but I don't know if they love him as much. I think they are little scared of him sometimes because he is so crazy and unpredictable. Does Cailin try to feed Ally? That is our biggest problem. Anyway, can't wait to hear what you're having. You'll have to post the 4D pics when you get them. Hope you guys are doing good. Love, Keri :)