1. I'm really missing when her bangs where this length. I'm thinking I might even grow them out so she won't have any bangs again.

3. She LOVES to dress up. Every day we change and accessorize several times a day. She pretends she's dressing me and Kylie up too. We even get to wear her tiaras! Sometimes I forget I have a headband or crazy necklace that she has "accessorized" me with. Warren will come home and give me funny looks!
4. Last week she started dressing up the dogs too. I cracked up laughing when Angel came running into the living room wearing a bow, several ribbons that were draped over her back and some mismatched necklaces. She was such a good sport! Here's a better shot. Notice the necklaces around her neck. Silly girl, she kept going back to Cailin's room for more. She really likes Cailin!
5. She's been shortening some of her words when asking for stuff. She'll say, "I want a blank." or "I want a blanky blank." (blanket) Last night, she said her dolls in the tub were getting a "shower show" She's been calling chocolate milk, "chocky" since she was old enough to say it. Now she calls it "chock" sometimes. I don't know where she got this from, but it's funny! She's too cool!
6. She's REALLY been sassy lately, but sassy with manners. I think that she thinks if she throws in a few nice words with her sassiness, she'll get what she wants. We are hearing a lot of, "I SAID NO, Please!" The other day at the library, I asked her to come down an aisle so I could look for a book and she said, "NO, thank you!" I know she's just trying to see what she can get away with.
7. She's also been sticking out her tongue out at us when she's mad at us. So she's been getting in trouble for that!
8. She loves going to gymnastics, dance class and church. She asks constantly if we are going to any of these places.
9. She's already asking for a Princess birthday party.
10. She can't wait to go to school with Logan and she wants a princess backpack. She'll say, "Wait till I go to school with Logie and I get a princess bapack." Poor little thing doesn't know she still has 2 years to wait. She will be 6 because of how her birthday falls.
Better go for now! Bye!
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