1. She's standing up on everything. She is getting brave lately and tries to let go. She usually starts crying because she's not completely confident in her balance yet.
2. She is also crawling everywhere. She makes her rounds around our house and follows Cailin down our long hall to Cailin's room several times a day.
3. She LOVES taking a bath! Cailin loves her taking a bath with her as well.

5. She is REALLY a Mommy's girl! Cailin was also when she was this age. I think I could leave the room though, with Kylie, she doesn't like when she can't see me.
7. She also has learned to turn off the light switches around our house because of this little kitchen's light switch.
9. She is a GOOD baby! Everyone tells us she is and she is, as long as her needs are met. :0) She LOVES to smile!

10. It makes me very SAD that she is about to be 1 years old. Why does their babyhood have to be so short? It makes me really question if we want to have another one if a few years....
Guess, I'll go for now. Have a happy Sunday! Bye!
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