Friday, November 21, 2008

Potato Head, say Cheese!

"Potato head say Cheese." That's what Cailin said when she saw me with the camera. At least Mrs. Potato Head has all of her body parts in the right spot, sometimes she's a little scary!

It took me all night to get this picture. Warren kept giving me these funny looks, like why are you taking a pic of her back. Well, because those ruffles on these pj's are so darn cute and her hair was in perfect ringlets considering the wind outside was blowing about 65 mph. So mission finally accomplished, I got my back shot. Here's her "no more pictures" shot. Not exactly the happy face that I was looking for. This was before I took her to preschool, and she's not always in the best mood in the morning. Kind of reminds me of another girl I know who was a total grump every morning before school. Ahem, Auntie Poo-Poo, does that ring a bell? If not, I'm sure mom remembers!

She's really liking having her picture taken lately, she usually says "Cheese" then runs to the camera to preview it. The other night we were watching her videos from when she was first born. Which she was glued to. She saw herself when she was a few months old swinging and she said, "I want to hold the baby". We kept trying to tell her that it was her when she was a little baby, and she finally got it. When we got to her 1st birthday party she heard her Enie calling her name. So she went to the TV and kept saying, "What Enie, what?" So funny! We cracked up laughing.

The baby is getting stronger and kicking all the time! It moves around and kicks all night long, which is why I never sleep thru the night anymore. Warren got to feel a couple of it's acrobats this morning. I'm SO ready to find out what it is already. With Cailin we already knew by now. I'm definately not the type that could wait until it was born. I would go insane! People keep telling me that they or their daughters never found out what they were having, but they knew before they had it. They just had a feeling. Well, I totally don't have a feeling. So who knows!

I better go wake up my munchkin to get her ready for preschool. She actually slept all night in her own bed and is still sleeping at 8:15. Why does she always sleep in when we have to go somewhere, but when we don't she's up at 6:oo? Bye!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let's get everything staight!

Warren caught this cute picture last night.

We were laughing because of the way she had lined up the measuring spoons. She's so much like me in that sense. I really can't stand for anything to be out of order on my desk at work, in my cabinets. Everything has to be straight. Cailin is constantly closing any doors, that we leave open. From the microwave to cabinet doors. She's always following behind Warren and I shutting them if we leave them open. It's funny. I do that too. Warren always leaves our cabinet doors and microwave door open and I shut them!

I saw a sad story on the news this morning. This lady in Amarillo ran a stop sign in an intersection (because she was talking on her cell phone). She was side swiped by another car and her 4 month old baby was ejected from her car. They the found the baby still strapped in her car seat but I guess the actual car seat had come loose from the base. I guess she was in the hospital, but she didn't make it. The mom's still in critical condition, but is expected to make it. So incredibly sad!

It's going to get pretty cold here tonight and I'm ready! Have a great Wednesday! Bye!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Say "Cheese"....

Last night, I caught Cailin loving on Ally. So I grabbed the camera (of course)! Cailin saw me about to take her picture so she grabbed Ally and told her, "Tell mommy cheese Ally-boo-boo." Poor Ally was in a headlock so she would look at the camera.

The next picture I told Cailin not to strangle Ally = Much happier dog.

She's constantly covering Ally up with her doll blankets. When I say cover up I mean completely soAlly can't see. She looks like a ghost dog and she never tries to get the blanket off of her head, she just stays like that. Last night, she had about 4 stuffed animals laying around Ally. She looked like she was just another toy laying in the middle.

Sorry if I bored you with Cailin and Ally stories, but not much else going on! Bye!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

This Weekend....

Meet Mrs. Potato Head, I mean Cailin. This had us cracking up tonight. It almost hurts my head just looking at how stretched those little plastic glasses are!
Here's are little ski bunny. It's been pretty cold here, especially in the evenings. She loves getting her coat (that she calls her dress), gloves and hat. I bought her these adorable little boots yesterday. They go to her knees, it took her a while to get used to walking in them.

Look at that face! She told me, "Cheese mommy." She's getting to be such a big girl. She finally realizes that there is a baby in my belly. Whenever she sees my stomach, she'll say, "Mommy's baby?" I asked her if it was a baby boy or a baby girl. She said a baby boy. So, we'll see if her prediction is right in a few weeks. I'm secretly hoping for another girl though.
This evening Warren was trying to get her to go get him another "drink" from the fridge. She told him, "No, thank you." That's my girl! He said he was getting out-numbered, so the baby better be a boy. I would love to have all girls to team up on him! Ha!

Doesn't she look like she's 4 or 5 here? Jeez! I guess it's because her hair is getting so long lately.
Not much going on around here this weekend. We went on a little car trip today and didn't see much of anything! We seriously spent about 5 hours in the car (round trip) and saw NOTHING! Guess we went the wrong direction. When we were leaving this one town, Warren missed the turn that went to the highway 2 times. I was getting kind of annoyed, because I was just ready to go home by then. So he finally took the turn that went to the highway that we needed when we were stopped by this horrible accident that had the whole highway blocked off. The officer told us an alternate route, which we took. As we were turning around an ambulance was leaving with someone that was in the accident. I'm sure there was more injuries, as they weren't letting anyone even pass through. After we had driven away, I got to thinking about all of Warren's wrong turn and how maybe they were "right" turns. They wasted about 10 minutes so that we might have avoided being either in that horrible accident or witnesses to it. Thank You God!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This video made me cry this morning.

I've never seen the video, even though I've heard this song thousands of times. It touched me for so many reasons. For one, it's Veteren's Day today! Happy Veteren's Day! I know what a sacrifice that veteren's have made for our country. This video brought tears to my eyes because I know we will probably have to go through at least one more deployment before Warren retires. It breaks my heart that he might have to miss some of Cailin's and her new sibling's growing. I have family and friends that have either been to the war zone or have stayed home waiting for their husbands to return. I KNOW what a sacrifice it is!

Thank YOU to ALL the veterens for doing what they have done and continue to do for us! God Bless YOU!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Recent Funnies

It's been a long time since I have blogged! Mainly because we didn't have a computer. Ours went ka-put! We finally got a hand me down until we get a new one. It's not the greatest, but it'll do for now. I don't have any pics to share. I have to figure out why our new computer won't let me add pics. Something about disabling the cookies.

Cailin had a great Halloween. We got her the Tinkerbell movie and some treats, which she loved. We took her to a fall festival at a church in town. She really liked playing some of the games they had and getting the prizes. Then, we walked over to our HUGE mall (rolling my eyes) and did a little trick or treating at the stores. There was a ton of people there. I kept telling Cailing to say "Trick or Treat", but she kept telling the candy passer outers, "I scary." Meaning "I'm scared." Poor thing. All the dressed up kids and adults were too scary for her. So we left and went home to scare, I mean pass out candy to kids. Warren loves to dress up every year and scare the trick or treaters. Which is fine as long as they aren't little. He did make a little girl cry last year! So I sit outside and scope out our trick or treaters to see if they are scare material. If they are too young, I'd tell him not to scare them.

Sunday evening we were going to a play at a local church. Cailin was soooo ready to go, we kept telling her just a minute. So we were finally leaving and we were in the garage waiting for Warren. Our dog Ally was sitting there, waiting for us to leave to go into her little bed. Cailin, looked down at Ally and said, "Ally-boo-boo, you want to go to church? Go get in our cars. You want to go? Yes, you do? Ok, just a minute!" Little Ally, was just sitting there, minding her own business. I cracked up laughing. Cailin LOVES Ally, who she always calls "Ally-boo-boo". Ally hardly ever pays Cailin any attention. I'm pretty sure Ally doesn't understand much of what Cailin says.

This morning, I was fixing my hair and Cailin was sitting on the sink in front of me brushing her teeth. Well, mainly playing in the water. She started to wet her hair, but just on one side. So we have her crazy bed hair on one side and a slicked down side on the other. She smiled into the mirror and said to herself, "You're beautiful!" So funny! She was clearly proud of herself for "fixing" her hair!

I'll try to fix my computer cookie problem, so I can post pictures soon. Have a great day!