Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This video made me cry this morning.


I've never seen the video, even though I've heard this song thousands of times. It touched me for so many reasons. For one, it's Veteren's Day today! Happy Veteren's Day! I know what a sacrifice that veteren's have made for our country. This video brought tears to my eyes because I know we will probably have to go through at least one more deployment before Warren retires. It breaks my heart that he might have to miss some of Cailin's and her new sibling's growing. I have family and friends that have either been to the war zone or have stayed home waiting for their husbands to return. I KNOW what a sacrifice it is!

Thank YOU to ALL the veterens for doing what they have done and continue to do for us! God Bless YOU!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post and not many understand what we go through.

Happy Veterands Day