This girlie is getting SO big! She is all over the place and into everything! She had her 9 month check-up on Monday. She has gained 3lbs. since Sept. She now weighs 16lbs and is 27 1/4in tall. Her pediatrician was a little concerned about her weight gain (not enough). So we have to give her more fatty foods and take her back in 6 weeks. I'm pretty sure I remember having the same thing with Cailin. I think my girls will probably always be a little under (growing up anyway). I know Warren was and I was too, until I reached my teenage years, then I fluctuated.
Cailin had fun riding her tricycle yesterday while we walked our dogs. It was such nice weather! She had to wear that denim skirt, so I made her wear the leggings underneath. She decided to wear that cute little hat with it. She has such a great STYLE!
Love these pics I caught of her after we got back! The lighting was so good!
This next picture was this morning in dance class. Her class is learning a routine to "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer. It's so funny to see your little girl dancing to songs that was a hit when I was younger. She did SO good this morning. She really tried to keep up with her dance teacher. Every now and then, she'd turn to us and yell to Kylie, "Hey, Kylie, watch this!" Kylie was bouncing to the music and trying VERY hard to get out of my lap. When I let her down, she was crawling straight for the dance floor! Oh my, what do I have in store for me???? Girls, girls, girls!!!!
Today is mine and Warren's 4 year wedding anniversary! I can't believe it's been 4 years already. It was a tough year for us, but we made it through and are stronger from it all. We are going to go celebrate tonight. We have a babysitter coming to watch the girlies and we are going to go have dinner at a Japanese restaurant that cooks in front of you. I think we are also going to go see Blind Side. I can't wait!

Hope everyone has a blessed day! Bye!
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