Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tiny Dancer and Curly-Q

WARNING: This is a LONG posting!
I have counted and I have taken 140 pictures this month. I really thought it was going to be more. See my little box on the left that says "Pathological Picture-Taker", well, it's the truth and nothing but the truth. ha,ha! Sorry, I had jury duty this month and I'm still intrigued by all the drama that goes down in that little county courthouse I'm sure everyday!
Anyway, back to my pictures ~ This little girlie is getting big right before our eyes! She was trying to escape before I could take her picture. I just noticed her big toe in the pic looks majorly deformed, ouch! I assure her toe was not harmed in taking this picture.

Her hair is getting long and all her little curls are popping out!

Cailin made some binoculars in her Sunday school class this morning out of paper. Daddy let her play around with our's after we got home.

Here's a good shot of Kylie's hair against a white background so you can really see all the curly-q's. I can't believe her birthday is going to be in 2 months! I'm planning a ladybug themed party with a candy bar and bubbles. She was laughing so hard at Cailin popping bubbles that I was blowing for them earlier today.

Cailin was trying to get poor old Ally to dance with her. She tries to get ALL of us to dance with her ALL the time!

Here's a video of Cailin that I took today. This is what she is doing 99.8% of the time, dancing. I didn't tell her to do this so I could video it, she just dances and dances. We were at Dairy Queen after church for lunch with Alta and Thurman. Cailin told me, "I gotta go dance!" So she got down from the booth and danced around Dairy Queen. A couple of the ladies behind the counter stopped working to watch her with big smiles on their face. I made her a CD with all of her princess songs on it that she recognizes from her movies. It has 16 songs on it and when we got home, she changed into her Snow White dress and danced to at least 11 of them in her room. Warren, Kylie and I were her audience. She is SO dramatic when she dances, just watch! Bye!

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow Much Fun

SNOW DAYS!!! We have got a good covering of snow on the ground and ventured out in it today. The roads weren't bad, just covered in snow. Cailin LOVES walking around in it. I never get smiles for my camera THIS easy!
It was pretty funny because, Angel, our little rescue dog got out of the garage and was running all over the neighborhood. Cailin and I kept seeing glimpses of her as she ran everywhere (behind houses) and we were calling for her but she wouldn't come back. I told Cailin that she might not and I wasn't about to chase her in this snow. So we finally went in to tell Daddy that Angel wasn't minding us, when she came running back into our house. She was SO happy after frolicking in the snow. We had left the garage open and she ran back in. She opens our screen door between the garage and laundry room by herself. She's so smart!

This next pic was from last night. They were both wearing their matching Christmas pjs and I remembered that I had never got a pic of them in them. Cailin decided to give me her fake grumpy face, she's so silly! Kylie's grinning because she was at the plug and I was telling her "Uh, uh, uh!" She's already SO scared of my athority! Ha!

I thought Kylie looked so cute looking out the back door at the dogs this morning. Look at her crazy mohawk hair, ha-ha, just like Mommy's in the morning!

We woke up to this Barbie massacre yesterday morning! Poor Barbies and they are still smiling. Angel, turns out, isn't such an Angel. She chews Barbie hands and feet off at night. We have told Cailin that she'll have put them up and we are going to make sure Angel is put in the garage too!

I asked Cailin if she wanted to keep them or throw them away. She said, "Uh, I keep them." Then she looked at Angel and said, "Angel, did you do this? Angel, you a berry bad gool!" Side note: Angel looked so very sorry as she wagged her tail at us. Bye!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Right Now IV

Right Now:
1. HE is SO excited to be moving back to Texas! Who would have guessed right?
2. I think he is also SCARED to be out of the military. I totally get it, he's been for the last almost 20 years. He was only 22 years old when he enlisted and was still working at a grocery store in Jacksboro. He isn't quite sure he is going to work or what he wants to do. He's thinking about starting landscaping. He would be good at it, it's just getting his name out there.
3. He wants us to take a trip to PA to see our good friends the Flips and to CA to go to Disneyland.
4. He is so ready to be a civilian! I know I already said that, but you don't even know how the military has broken him down. This next pic is funny in essence, but I remeber this particular day and it wasn't a good one. He came home mad at something that had happened at work.
5. He's been alcohol free since April 09. Sure he's had one here or there, but he used to drink EVERYday. Now he doesn't. It's SO much better now.

6. He still plays around his guitar.

7. He has developed a close relationship with God. It really has carried him through this last year. It comforts, calms and carries him.

8. He ALWAYS thinks of us first.

9. Cailin adores him. I hear several times a day, "I CAN'T WAIT to show Daddy!" She gets so excited when he comes home. Kylie is really starting to like him too. She smiles and plays with him. Last night he was blowing on her face and she started doing it back to him! It was SO funny!

10. I love him more and more everyday!

This was a pic of Cailin this morning before we headed off to ballet. She did so good in class. They started practicing for the recital in May. She'll miss it. :"(

We'll have to find her a dance and gymnastics class somewhere close to where we are going to live. Bye for now!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Right Now III

Right now:
1. I can't wait to move back to Texas! It will be so strange to be back, because last time I lived there I was single with no kiddos. Now, I'll be coming back with a husband and 2 girlies.
2. I'm stressing a little about where I'm going to work. I've sent resumes to 2 different dermatologist's offices in Weatherford. One of them was emailing me regularly last week, but I haven't heard anything from them this week.
3. I'm missing this camera! It takes me about 20 shots on my old one to get 1 decent pic that isn't blurry. Ugh!

4. I'm in love with vintage kitchen stuff. Old pyrex dishes, love. Old tableclothes, love. Old aprons, love. I've been combing through antique shops around here to find a few vintage pieces for my new kitchen. It's going to be a coffee house theme with some vintage stuff incorporated in.
5. I'm loving finding new recipes to make. I found some new casserole dishes I want to try out sometime next week.
6. Even though, I LOVE being home with my girlies, I am looking forward to having a job. I'll probably think I am crazy several months down the road when I actually do have a job.

7. I have officially lost all of the baby weight that was gained with Kylie. It was ALOT, trust me! I did work out pretty hard the first 6 months, but haven't gone to the gym since Oct. Breastfeeding totally helps take off the weight! I might just keep it coming for 10 more years (just pump it and throw it out) to have an automatic diet and boobs! I'm totally kidding!
8. I'm ready for the Spring to be here!
9. I'm currently reading this book and it is SO good! It's a great story about friendship.
10. I'm addicted to sweet tea!
Gotta go for now! We are heading to gymnastics! Bye

Monday, January 25, 2010


Oh, how she wants to be BIG! Warren went to tutor at an elementary school and Cailin begged to go. She's been before and loves going to a BIG kid school. So he said she could and she came running to me to get ready!
She picked out this dress (I picked out the tights and shirt because it's pretty cold outside today). She LOVES dresses and would wear one everyday! Then, she wanted me to curl her hair.

She wanted to take her backpack so she could take her number flashcards and coloring book. Warren went to put something in the car and she was afraid that he was going to leave without her.

Earlier this morning we decorated (more) for Valentine's day. I found these little hearts that I had bought last year. So we stuck them up here.

I made this super easy banner across the big window in our living room. I just put a little nail on each side and tied some twine across the window. Then, we clothes pinned the hearts up. It's very cute! I also found some more window clings that I had bought at the Dollar Tree last year (they are at the bottom of the window). Cailin loves to put window clings up. We have some for V-day, St. Patrick's Day and Christmas.

I better go, just grabbed Kylie out of the laundry room. She had put a piece of dog food in her mouth. Yucko! Gotta watch that girl. She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth! Bye!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Right Now II

Right now:
1. She's standing up on everything. She is getting brave lately and tries to let go. She usually starts crying because she's not completely confident in her balance yet.
2. She is also crawling everywhere. She makes her rounds around our house and follows Cailin down our long hall to Cailin's room several times a day.
3. She LOVES taking a bath! Cailin loves her taking a bath with her as well.

4. When she is trying to get into something she shouldn't (for example ~ plugs) we tell her "Uh, uh" she usually smiles and says it back to us.
5. She is REALLY a Mommy's girl! Cailin was also when she was this age. I think I could leave the room though, with Kylie, she doesn't like when she can't see me.
6. She loves to play with this little kitchen. It sings and she dances to the music.
7. She also has learned to turn off the light switches around our house because of this little kitchen's light switch.
8. Her favorite foods are Harvest Vegetables and Grains, Sweet Potatoes and whatever we are eating. We can't always share with her because she still hasn't got her teeth.
9. She is a GOOD baby! Everyone tells us she is and she is, as long as her needs are met. :0) She LOVES to smile!

10. It makes me very SAD that she is about to be 1 years old. Why does their babyhood have to be so short? It makes me really question if we want to have another one if a few years....

Guess, I'll go for now. Have a happy Sunday! Bye!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Right Now

Right now:
1. I'm really missing when her bangs where this length. I'm thinking I might even grow them out so she won't have any bangs again.

2. About a week before Christmas, she cut her own bangs and the back of her hair. **cringing* So now her hair looks like this. We've gotten used to it now, and it's really grown out alot. I miss her long hair though.

3. She LOVES to dress up. Every day we change and accessorize several times a day. She pretends she's dressing me and Kylie up too. We even get to wear her tiaras! Sometimes I forget I have a headband or crazy necklace that she has "accessorized" me with. Warren will come home and give me funny looks!

4. Last week she started dressing up the dogs too. I cracked up laughing when Angel came running into the living room wearing a bow, several ribbons that were draped over her back and some mismatched necklaces. She was such a good sport!
Here's a better shot. Notice the necklaces around her neck. Silly girl, she kept going back to Cailin's room for more. She really likes Cailin!

5. She's been shortening some of her words when asking for stuff. She'll say, "I want a blank." or "I want a blanky blank." (blanket) Last night, she said her dolls in the tub were getting a "shower show" She's been calling chocolate milk, "chocky" since she was old enough to say it. Now she calls it "chock" sometimes. I don't know where she got this from, but it's funny! She's too cool!

6. She's REALLY been sassy lately, but sassy with manners. I think that she thinks if she throws in a few nice words with her sassiness, she'll get what she wants. We are hearing a lot of, "I SAID NO, Please!" The other day at the library, I asked her to come down an aisle so I could look for a book and she said, "NO, thank you!" I know she's just trying to see what she can get away with.

7. She's also been sticking out her tongue out at us when she's mad at us. So she's been getting in trouble for that!

8. She loves going to gymnastics, dance class and church. She asks constantly if we are going to any of these places.

9. She's already asking for a Princess birthday party.

10. She can't wait to go to school with Logan and she wants a princess backpack. She'll say, "Wait till I go to school with Logie and I get a princess bapack." Poor little thing doesn't know she still has 2 years to wait. She will be 6 because of how her birthday falls.

Better go for now! Bye!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Then and Now

WARNING: If you don't want to see cute baby pictures, leave this page immediately. If you don't want to see cute baby chub, hair bows or tutus, leave this page immediately.

Okay, now that has been taken care of proceed as desired. Hee, hee! My friend Kasey, from Georgia took these pics of Cailin when she was about 9 months old. They are some of my favorites! Several of these poses from this little photo session are hanging in my house.

Love, love, love her smile with her little teeth showing.

Today, I got some adorable pics of Kylie. It really is crazy how much they look alike at this age. This first one was MY FAVORITE! I put a bronze effect on it and it's so pretty!

I had to give her that little phone as a prop so she would sit still long enough.

I love how her baby chub shows with no shirt on. I put an old photo effect on these next two and really like how they came out.

Love, love, love this one too! Seriously, who needs Sears or any other photo studio, when you can get these pics in your own house.

This next one has a few blury areas, it's very hard to get them both to stay still long enough to get a shot. I love the way Kylie is smiling at Cailin!

I know that was a lot of pics, but it is too hard for this mom to pick which pictures she liked best. Who could do that? I want to show pics of our new old house soon on here soon. I wish I had some of the originals saved on my computer. I may have to get my mom to send them to me again. hint, hint... Bye for now!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Sista, Sista

These 2 sisters are doing a lot of things together lately and I love seeing it! I caught them watching a cartoon together yesterday. Check out Kylie's crazy hair! She takes after me in that department.
This picture came out a little blurry, darn it, but Kylie had followed Cailin into her room. I let them play for several minutes by themselves. When I went to check on them, I found this. They were both playing with Cailin's new castle. I took this pic and neither of them noticed me. It was SO cute! I love to see them playing together. I know these two will be close and are so blessed to have each other!

Warren gave me these flowers for our anniversary the other day. He gave me 4 flowers, one for each year. He also gave Cailin 1 because he knew she would want one and she did! She tells me exactly which one is hers everyday! Hee! We went to a Japanese restaurant in town that cooks Hibachi style in front of you. It was fun! We hardly ever get out by ourselves here. So it was very nice to have a grown up night by ourselves. We went to see Have You Heard About The Morgans afterwards. We got about 30 min. into it and got a call from our babysitter that Kylie was not having her bottles and throwing a fit. I could barely hear Kayla talking on the phone, all I could hear was Kylie screaming. So, I told her we would be there shortly. So we left and we still don't know what happened to the Morgans. Hee!

That's ok though, we still got some away time! We've learned that we can only leave Kylie about 2 hours with a sitter for now. She's SO rotten! She hates when I leave her sight. I'm actually pretty impressed that she lasted that long the other night. It will get easier as she gets older of course.

Us girlies are headed out to the store and Goodwill. We've been cooped up in this house for 2 days and I think we need a break! I cleaned out my closet last night and this morning. I had tons of stuff that (luckily) is too big and just stuff that I don't like anymore. I have tons of crafty ideas running through my head, so I'm thinking I'll pick up some stuff to make something at the store. I'll post it if it comes out cute. Bye for now!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

4 Years

This girlie is getting SO big! She is all over the place and into everything! She had her 9 month check-up on Monday. She has gained 3lbs. since Sept. She now weighs 16lbs and is 27 1/4in tall. Her pediatrician was a little concerned about her weight gain (not enough). So we have to give her more fatty foods and take her back in 6 weeks. I'm pretty sure I remember having the same thing with Cailin. I think my girls will probably always be a little under (growing up anyway). I know Warren was and I was too, until I reached my teenage years, then I fluctuated.
Cailin had fun riding her tricycle yesterday while we walked our dogs. It was such nice weather! She had to wear that denim skirt, so I made her wear the leggings underneath. She decided to wear that cute little hat with it. She has such a great STYLE!

Love these pics I caught of her after we got back! The lighting was so good!

This next picture was this morning in dance class. Her class is learning a routine to "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer. It's so funny to see your little girl dancing to songs that was a hit when I was younger. She did SO good this morning. She really tried to keep up with her dance teacher. Every now and then, she'd turn to us and yell to Kylie, "Hey, Kylie, watch this!" Kylie was bouncing to the music and trying VERY hard to get out of my lap. When I let her down, she was crawling straight for the dance floor! Oh my, what do I have in store for me???? Girls, girls, girls!!!!

Today is mine and Warren's 4 year wedding anniversary! I can't believe it's been 4 years already. It was a tough year for us, but we made it through and are stronger from it all. We are going to go celebrate tonight. We have a babysitter coming to watch the girlies and we are going to go have dinner at a Japanese restaurant that cooks in front of you. I think we are also going to go see Blind Side. I can't wait!

Hope everyone has a blessed day! Bye!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


This little girlie LOVES her bathtime! She gets so excited when she sees the water running and she NEVER wants to get out. She loves to grab one of the bath toys and will not let go of it until after she's out and dressed.

This BIG girlie also LOVES her bathtime! She asks for a bath in the middle of the day and as soon as it gets dark. She also loves that her little sister can take a bath with her now.

I just came across this picture from New Year's Day. Warren brought the kids home some hats and noise makers from our night out, which they loved! This pic cracks me up, looks like they were up all night partying!

I'm going to throw this out there, since I know our neighbors don't read this. Last night we had our neighbor's little boy over to play. He's 2 and had been here for over an hour. Well, he is still in diapers and we started smelling something fresh from him (if you know what I mean). Warren, looked at me and said, "What should we do?" I said, "Just walk him over and tell his mom he needs to be changed. Tell her he's more than welcome to come back when she's done." He said he felt awkward doing this. Why? I would have done it, but I was cooking and holding Kylie. What are your thoughts on this? I would want them to walk Cailin back over if she had an accident. I definately wouldn't want them to just handle it.

Hope you have a great day! Bye!