Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gynnn-nastics! Woohoo!

He didn't get it. He gave me funny looks. Who & why, you ask? Well, my husband and he thinks I take too many pictures. *rolling eyes* Hmmpf! You can never have too many pictures, especially of your kids. That little leotard and skirt got me going and I COULD NOT STOP. :-)
Yes, I followed her around the house like the papparrazi trying to get their money shot. I think it paid off though.
She had "gynnn-nastics" ~that's how she says it~ last night. She was so excited! She met me at my car when I got home from the gym and asked, "We go to gynnn-nastics?" I said, "Yep, let's go get ready." She jumped up and down, then said, "Woohoo!" Then, she asked Warren, "You going to gynnn-nastics, too?" She wants to make sure everyone is going.

Here's a pic of her doing a "bridge". The one below is of her class warming up. They stretch, then jump up and down.

This one is getting SO BIG lately! She weighs 13lbs and some change and just looks bigger to me. She laughs out loud a lot! Last night at gymnastics, she was laughing at the coach's daughter. She's about 8 or 9 and she was jumping on this trampoline right in front of us. Kylie was just cracking up while she watched her. So cute!

I haven't scrapped in a LONG time! I don't know why, just can never seem to find the time anymore. Could be 2 little ones instead of just 1, hmmm? Maybe that's it. Anyway, I did one for each of their books early this morning, and I do mean early. The TH in her name looks yellow, but it's a lime-green.

Well, I just deleted the one for Cailin's book. I'll add it tomm. for you to see, it was my favorite too, pooh! That's all I have for now. Bye!

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