This one cracks me up, she had already posed for pictures for Daddy and Grammy. So when Mommy asked for ANOTHER pic with her trophy, she tried to give me her grumpy face.
I found this swimsuit at a yard sale for $3. It has the foam built in to the swimsuit. She really liked it. She loves to go down the slide. She'll go down like this, headfirst, and on her belly feet first.
Here she is jumping off of the side. She has a better tan than any of us right now. Well, besides Logan, that boy is so dark!
She is also getting really good at swimming underwater. She can do about 3 breast-strokes before coming up for air. At age 3, she can swim under water better than me. I still have to hold my nose!
These two were playing like that noodle was their horse. Logan was "dad", that's what Cailin calls a prince and she of couse was the Princess. Everyone, burn this image into your head. It never lasts long, they usually are arguing with each other, but on very rare occasions they actually play good together. Hee!
This little girlie LOVED this float! She floated around in it singing, "lalala". She had so much fun and ACTUALLY kept her sunglasses on!
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