1. LOVES to make people laugh. If she has an audience, she'll pretend to fall on her belly from a crawl position to get a reaction. Sometimes she's on all fours and she'll just hold up one of her back legs to make us laugh. She's silly!
2. She still isn't walking. She is walking alot on just her knees. She has stood up without holding on to anything several times and she has taken her first steps.
3. She still hasn't cut any of her teeth. She's holding on to baby for as long as she can, I guess!
6. I realized last week how much she probably recognizes but just doesn't know how to say last week. I was reading a book to her in the bathtub (one of those bath books). I asked her to show me where the bird was, she pointed right to it. I asked her where water, flowers, fish, duck, a ladybug, bubbles and everytime, she points to the right thing. It was amazing to know that she knows what we are saying, she just can't verbalize it yet.
8. She will give us kisses and hugs when we ask and sometimes when we don't. It is so sweet!
9. She talks all the time and is starting to point to things. She sounds like she's asking questions.
10. She loves to be read to and sometimes she likes to "read" to herself.
This girlie:
1. Is loving living next to her Grammy, Grampy and Logan! She wants to go over to their house everyday.
2. Keeps getting in trouble because she is leaving the house without asking and going to Grammy's house.
3. Is learning how to write her ABC's. She can write any that I show her, but only remembers about 12 on her own.
4. She loves to be outside, all day long! She loves finding worms and then letting them "go home to be with their families". She's so funny!
5. She also loves to water Mommy's flowers. She's taken it upon herself lately to plant flowers too. She'll put dirt in a pot and plant tons of seeds. Then, she waters them and they grow! I've got about 4 pots with hundreds of little plants sprouting up. Unfortunately, I don't know what they are.
6. She has her own little garden. Warren built her her very own garden last week. She has some watermelon, cantaloupe and strawberry plants in it. She asks everyday if she can eat a watermelon from her plant even though there aren't any on it yet.
7. She's loving Tball still! Well, she loves hitting the ball and running. She still doesn't like outfield. They had their tball pictures done the other night and they are going to be SO stinkin' cute!
9. She starting to really sound grown up when she talks. The other night she had just came home from Grammy's house and she told Warren and I, "I ate fish sticks and french fries for dinner, but I couldn't finish it because it was just too much food!" We cracked up!
10. She told me the other night that she doesn't want me to work. I tried to explain that we needed Mommy to work so we could have money to eat, pay bills and buy things that we need. She replied, "but, but, but, we always have dollars." Exactly!
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