Saturday, April 24, 2010


Cailin and Logan had their first Tball game last night. Their team is called the BallHawgs.
This is at the beginning of the game, they were in the outfield first. Cailin doesn't like the outfield much. Here's her coach trying to get her to stand in the outfield.
Poor Coach Tim, Cailin does give him a run for his money. She's always telling him, she doesn't want to wear her glove, she doesn't want to play, she's hot, she's tired, blah, blah, blah. Side note: She only likes to hit the ball and run, so when he's wanting her to do anything other than these two things, she isn't going to want to do it.
Here's her in outfield. Notice she doesn't even have her glove on. It was too hot to wear it, so she said.

Here's Cailin picking flowers in the outfield. It gets boring standing out there with nothing to do. What is a girl to do?

Warren got to help out on the field. They so desparately needed coaches on every base because about 95% of the kids don't have a clue what they are doing.
Cailin's taking off her hat because she was too hot. I'm sure Warren was trying to reason with her, but it obviously didn't work. He ended up holding it the rest of the game. ;)

She finally go to hit and she did a really good one! After she hit the ball, she just stood there holding the bat. We were all yelling "Run, Cailin!"

So Coach tried to get the bat and point her in the right direction. She wouldn't let go of the bat! So he grabbed the end of the bat and ran with it (with her attached to the other end) towards 1st base. She thought THAT was funny, so she let go about halfway there and ran to first.

Here's Cailin and Logan running into home! Yay! This was her first time to run around all bases.

Here's a video of her first hit during a game. Logan got to hit right after her. She didn't know to run to 2nd after Logan hit, so she just stands there. Funny stuff! Enjoy!