I don't think I have posted this pic before. This was Cailin and Kylie before another kids' Christmas party on base.
Merry Christmas! Let innoncence and joy prevail. May the magic of Christmas never end! ~ Mary Engelbreit
I caught Kylie checking out ornaments on the tree. She does this daily, but she's pretty good about not grabbing them off.
Ally, my dog, was totally lounging on her doggy bed yesterday. I'm sure she was thanking God that she wasn't outside like our 2 other big dogs.
Note: Her legs are still stained from that bad dirt storm we had several months ago! I'm beginning to wonder if it's ever going to turn white again.Cailin had gymnastics, here's her bridge.
Warren had just got on the roof of the house to start hanging lights.
Cailin: Daddy, can I get up there?
Warren: No, it's too dangerous.
Cailin: Then, why are you up there?
Ha, ha! She's a smart little cookie! She's always telling us to "get down" or "your going to get hurt" if we are standing on a chair or step stool.
Bye for now!
We had a nice Sunday. We started off with church, Sunday school and a potluck lunch. When we got home, Warren finished up the lights around the yard. It looks really nice. I need to take some pics outside after dark. We watched movies, played and made nachos for dinner. Warren took this cute pic after the girls had their baths. He was in the kitchen with them while I was in the back cleaning up the bathroom. He caught them playing in the tupperware. Hee! Look at Miss Kylie, she had pulled herself up to her knees to see what Cailin was doing. Then, she pulled herself all the way up so she could "help" re-organize the dishes, too!
"Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." ~from my '31 Family Devotions for Christmas book' (it was actually yesterday's devotion) :-)
I hope everyone has a blessed day! I'll try to post today's blog later. Bye!