OK, before you look at the first picture, please ignore my goofy smile and the fact that Kylie is already giving me that look like my mom is soooo embarassing. Her hair is finally long enough for a fountain pony on the top of her head. I pretty much have to do this hairdo on her now or it just sticks straight up. She has my crazy curls, so it sticks up in every direction. Hopefully, when it grows out it will lay down a little more.
Here's my silly girl playing dress up this morning.
She had on a John Deere hat that she had to have at Tractor Supply last week, blue princess sunglasses and her backpack. She's funny!
Then, onto one of her tutu's and black dress shoes that she now calls "her slippers" after watching Cinderella for the first time yesterday. She told me this morning that she needed more tutu's. (rolling my eyes) I guess 6 tutu's isn't enough! She is such a girlie girl. She'd wear a dress or skirt everyday if she could.
Enough 3 yr old fashion for now. We made these yummy biscuits yesterday morning. This picure makes it look like a little hamburger, but it was my cheater version of cinnamon rolls. We had a can of Pillsbury Flaky Layers Biscuits, so I sprayed a muffin tin with Pam. I separated the biscuits in half and put a biscuit in each muffin spot. Then, Cailin brushed on melted butter on the inside. We mixed raisins with cinnamon and brown sugar in a bowl. I put a big spoonful of that mixture on the inside then, closed them. Cailin brushed on more melted butteron the top of them. Yummy! She wanted to decorate them, so she put some sprinkles on the top. That's why this one looks green on the top. They were SO GOOD!I ended up eating 2 of them, so I know that when I stepped on the scale yesterday morning an it read 111.4 lbs. it was definately a glich! I don't know why it read like that because when I stepped on it again it said the true weight..... 137lbs. wah-wah-wah! Mean, mean scale!
Note: I never believed that I weighed 111 lbs. Bye!
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