Today looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here. We'll have to make a trip to our little playground behind our house. It's so nice to have little playgrounds near our house. The one behind our house is perfect for Cailin, it has small slides and swings. She loves it!
We started our morning off eating these yummies:
They are Cranberry Orange Muffins. I had a bag off fresh cranberries left over after Christmas baking, so I froze them. I love cranberries! These were very good, but when you bit into a big chunk of fresh cranberries, it was pretty bitter. I think next time I'll try dried cranberries (they are a bit sweeter). Cailin ate one by herself, she loves muffins! Here's the recipe if you want to try them out:2 c. all-purpose flour 1 c. quick-cooking oats 3/4 c. sugar 2 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. baking soda 3/4 c. orange juice 1 egg 1/3 c. veg. oil 1 T. orange peel, grated 3/4 c. chopped cranberries
Preheat oven to 35o degrees. In a large bowl, combine flour, oats, sugar, baking bowder and baking soda. In another bowl, combined orange juice, egg, oil and orange peel: mix well. Stir into large bowl of dry ingredients until just moistened. Fold in cranberries. Spoon into muffin tins with baking cups. Bake 17-20 minutes. It made about 16 reg. sized muffins.
Cailin has really been into wearing pretty dresses and trying on mommy's pretty heels! Every morning when I get her ready for the day, she has begun to making her requests known as to what she wants to wear. It started a few weeks ago, when she started telling me what color shirt she wanted (and getting really mad when I didn't agree with her). Here lately she has been wanting to only wear dresses. So last week she wore a dress to daycare twice. So cute!
Here's a cute pic of her trying to put my shoes on.
Anyone remember the show Kid Songs that used to be on about 20 years ago?
OMG! She loves these videos. She has the one above about the animals and she has a dance one were they do all these different dances. Her favorite dance is the Charleston dance. I caught her dancing along with the video this morning. I am SO going to put her in dance class when she turns 3! There is a really good dance instructor in our town and she starts kids at 3. I might try to convince her to start Cailin a little early. She can follow along pretty good and she doesn't forget the moves. Last night, we had a meeting a church to go to. There was about 12 adults in this little room. Towards the end, Cailin was standing in front of us singing and doing this dance off of the animal Kid Songs video. Everyone was laughing and one of her favorite ladies, Alta, was dancing with her, which made her dance even more. I have an even funnier video of her doing the HOP. I'll save it for another day. I think the post is getting very long! Hope everyone has a blessed day! Bye!
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