"Potato head say Cheese." That's what Cailin said when she saw me with the camera. At least Mrs. Potato Head has all of her body parts in the right spot, sometimes she's a little scary!
It took me all night to get this picture. Warren kept giving me these funny looks, like why are you taking a pic of her back. Well, because those ruffles on these pj's are so darn cute and her hair was in perfect ringlets considering the wind outside was blowing about 65 mph. So mission finally accomplished, I got my back shot. Here's her "no more pictures" shot. Not exactly the happy face that I was looking for. This was before I took her to preschool, and she's not always in the best mood in the morning. Kind of reminds me of another girl I know who was a total grump every morning before school. Ahem, Auntie Poo-Poo, does that ring a bell? If not, I'm sure mom remembers!
She's really liking having her picture taken lately, she usually says "Cheese" then runs to the camera to preview it. The other night we were watching her videos from when she was first born. Which she was glued to. She saw herself when she was a few months old swinging and she said, "I want to hold the baby". We kept trying to tell her that it was her when she was a little baby, and she finally got it. When we got to her 1st birthday party she heard her Enie calling her name. So she went to the TV and kept saying, "What Enie, what?" So funny! We cracked up laughing.
The baby is getting stronger and kicking all the time! It moves around and kicks all night long, which is why I never sleep thru the night anymore. Warren got to feel a couple of it's acrobats this morning. I'm SO ready to find out what it is already. With Cailin we already knew by now. I'm definately not the type that could wait until it was born. I would go insane! People keep telling me that they or their daughters never found out what they were having, but they knew before they had it. They just had a feeling. Well, I totally don't have a feeling. So who knows!
I better go wake up my munchkin to get her ready for preschool. She actually slept all night in her own bed and is still sleeping at 8:15. Why does she always sleep in when we have to go somewhere, but when we don't she's up at 6:oo? Bye!