Our time as part of the USAF is quickly approaching the end. It is so hard to believe and I have only been a part of this community for 4 years and 1 month. I can only imagine how Warren feels right now, he's been in for 19 years and 7 months. It hasn't sunk in. I think it will finally when the movers come on the 1st of March to pack us up. It makes me a little sad to leave. The girls were both born here so of course we have special memories of this place. We also have a handful of very special friends that have become like family to us here. We met some wonderful friends while we lived here, most of them have moved away.
We are leaving this: CAFB (Cannon Air Force Base)
We will be losing this: BAH (Basic Allowance for Housing)
Warren won't be called this by co-workers: Ssgt (Staff Sergeant)
We will have to stay in: TLF (Temperary Living Facility) for a few days before we leave.
We won't be asked questions about: AFSOC (Air Force Special Operations Command)
We won't be asked if our girls have been enrolled in: DEERS (Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System) everytime we take one of them to a doctor
We won't be washing: BDUs (Battle Dress Uniform) or PT gear (Physical Training) ever again
We will be dealing with the: VA (Veteran's Affairs) on a regular basis
We are doing a: TMO (Traffic Management Office) move, meaning we are having movers hired my the military to move us.
I know there are more acronyms that I can't even think of, it is SO complicated! I was just thinking about it and found it kind of funny. We are busy getting ready to leave this house we've had for the last 4 years. This is our official last week here! A lot of cleaning, packing of items that I wouldn't want lost (everyone keeps telling us that you usually loose something in one of these moves), digging up plants to move with us, and more cleaning going on. Cailin asks everyday if we are "moving to the white house today?" Ha, ha! She has only 1 more gymnastics and ballet class next week. That makes me sad, because she LOVES these. I want to keep her in these activities, so I'll have to find some classes in our area.
Busy, busy around here and to top it off Kylie Face has a bad cough that started this morning (her and I stayed home from church today). So I'll be taking her to the pediatrician on base tommorrow. We heard that RSV is going around Clovis and I definately don't want it to become that! She's playing and eating well (no fever), so hopefully it will be better soon! Bye!