Friday, July 25, 2008
Our Bunny Round-Up
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A Few of My Favorite Things
Here's a close up of C. She's always saying, "Cheese" for me now and smiling this little grin. Yesterday, she was trying to get me up to get her something. So she said, "Let me help me." She meant, "Let me help YOU". It was so cute! Sometimes I can't believe she puts together such good sentences. It looks like she has a mole on her right chin in this picture, but she must have had something on her face.
We went to play at the little park behind our house Sunday. She ran all over and she loves the little slides there. They are all her size, small!
I'll leave you with a few pretties from around my house! My HUGE sunflowers (they are the size of dinner plates!), a four-0-clock that somehow came out this wonderful combination of yellow and pink, all the other ones are white, and a canna.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Recent Happenings
Here's a pic of the cute kittens my hubby found. I hope we have a home lined up for both of them! C has to say "bye" to them before we leave anywhere!
We went to the "pretty" park on Sunday. She had so much fun running and playing. She always says, "Mommy...Run!"
Here's a few recent scrapbook pages that I have done for her book. These really arent that great of pics, but you get the idea anyway. I just realized the other day that I'd have to start a new book soon. I have one for every year, 0-12mo. and 1 year right now, I'll need a 2 year before I know it...wiping tears :' )
And last, but not least.....I went into the local Goodwill store yest. at lunch just to see what was in there. They had some really cute, OLD, stuff! I found this adorable little dolly that I just couldn't leave there on their shelf. So, I paid a whopping 0.14 cents for her and took her home to her new mommy, Cayee. Who proclaimed that she was "cute". Then she wanted me to take her dress off of her, she's been wanting all her babies naked lately. So we have doll clothes thrown everywhere these days! I said to her, "Aren't you glad she came to live with you?" and she said, "Yes". Aww, she's really into playing with her babies. It's so cute. She picked one up last night and grabbed my purse, went to the back door and said, "Bye (waving to us) Lub You" Warren said, "I guess you'll come back when you get hungry." She's so funny!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Pics From This Weekend
Then, she found the geese! She has no fear, I swear! She was going right up to them and talking to them. She thought it was so funny that they were walking around with us. She ran around with them and I really thought she was going to get bit by a few that were hissing at her.
Misc. Ramblings
We went to church yesterday and it was so great to be around all of the people that know and love us! We felt loved in so many ways! First, they knew we were gone and told us they missed us, but they hope we had a good time traveling as soon as we got there. Then, this lady gave me a couple of pictures that she had developed of Warren teaching the children's moments. At the end of service this little handicapped lady came up to us. I'm not sure what is wrong with her, she's very short, her face is a little disfigured, but she is smart. She adores C. She always has since she was a little baby and I always kind of dreaded this lady coming up to her in her stroller. Why you ask? Well, being a first time mom, you are so scared that your precious little baby is going to get sick from germs, right? Well, this lady always stands SO CLOSE to you, which usually caused C to wake up if she was napping. Then, she almost always touches C's pacifier and tries to put it in her mouth. So that was enough then for me to just dread seeing her every week. Now, I'm of course so much less paranoid about germs. C's bigger and I know her hands are probably almost always germ ridden. So yesterday she came up to us and we said Hi. She talked to us for a while, tried to put C's pacifier in her mouth (of course) then she said, "C, I love you" Oh, it was the sweetest thing! I just realized that these people really love us, well mainly C ;). I mean they've watched her grow up there and I know that so many people really love seeing her every week. It was just so nice!
One more quick thing. We had a lady speak at church yesterday about her missions trips. She's with this mission group called Purpose. They've sent her to China to teach English at a University. She's not like a regular missionary that preaches to people or hands out bibles. Her mission is to just teach her students English and just live so her students will want to ask her why she's so loving and happy. How easy is that? She says she's not allowed to talk about her Christian beliefs openly unless she's asked specifically why. She says she's only been asked several times. It was a little wake up call to me that I need to start acting more like that too! I gossip, cuss, get mad, of course I do, I'm human, but maybe before I start to do these things, I'll think of her and remember to act better! ;o) We'll see if it works! Gotta go for now, I'll try to post pics later! Bye!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Fireworks, Dirty 30 and Mary Poppins????
I got an awesome new camera for my birthday. Warren kept calling it my Dirty 30, which I didn't like. Here's a few pics from my birthday party we all had a lot of fun!
We went to see the fireworks and I was curious how C would like them. She kept saying "See the stars" She seemed to enjoy them. I love the 2nd pic of L holding her. She loves her "Uncle Gogie"
One more funny thing that C started saying this weekend was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! I started having her repeat it to me syllable by syllable about a week ago, mainly to entertain us. I LOVE how she says "Super" Anyway, we were in the pool and I was starting her off by saying Super, well from there she just said the WHOLE thing by herself. It was so funny! Well, this morning I got her on video so everyone could see it and not think I'm making it up! With a drum roll please..........